The very first thing I noticed when I got to downtown was that people do not stay in the same place for the whole night. They like walking around, going to different places and having different types of drinks. In Brazil, however, we have to pay to enter clubs and some bars, so we normally stay in the same place for the whole night. Also, we have parties until 6-7am and if it is a rave it may last until noon of the following day. That is crazy, isn't it? In Athens, everything closes at 2:30am and I always have the feeling "I want more!". But this is because Athens is a city for students, and many of them are under age. As they drink much more and get very drunk, if places do not close early, they say that "kids get crazy". And that is completely true because I have already seen people about to pass out in the middle of the street.
The World Leaders invited me to a sort of "pre-game" in the apartment of one of them and there were many jelly shots with vodka and rum. They were good, but very dangerous because you do not taste the alcohol, then you do not realize you are getting drunk. After that, we went to Sideways, Buddah bar, 90's and The Loft. The last one was the craziest place I have ever been in my whole life!! I was really shocked with the way American guys danced there, and they call it the booty dance! It consists of a very sexy and provocative dance in which the woman gives her back to her partner and shakes her ass in his penis. For me, that is almost the sexual act and in Brazil the girl would probably be seen in a bad way. Guys and girls were very much drunk, the hip hop music was loud and most of them were black or asian folks. Can you imagine the scene? In Brazil we dance face to face, but usually we are not that provocative. And I have seen people booty dancing in other dance clubs, so this type of dance seems to be a common practice among Americans. Also, women dance together to call men's attention. I was in the nineties and four of them were dancing in front of us. Personally, I thought there were lesbians and were about to kiss each other, but then my American friends told me the intention was to be noticed by men. And I said: ok, I think I'm gonna dance by myself.
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