October 16, 2011

The weather

Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro) and rainy season
In Brazil we do not have the fours seasons throughout the year, we have only two: the summer and the rainy  season, which is hot too. On summer everybody likes going to the beach, getting tanned and doing outside activities as playing sports. In the rainy season, however, it rains a lot and in some cities which are not prepared for that there are huge floods which destroy poor's houses. That is sad, but it happens every year.
When I arrived in Athens, on July 31, it was still summer. The city was sooooo hot and I could not believe how a person, who comes from a hot place, as I do, feels bad in another hot place! Even though in Brazil it is always hot, we do not feel we are inside a microwave as I did in US. People say it was because of humidity: you just begin to walk outside and you are all sweaty. And what did I do? I drank a lot of water and lemonade, used sunblock, sunglasses, hats and comfortable clothes! And I was really afraid of getting sick because inside every bulding or car we had air conditioned and when we went out we had that temperature shock.
Picture taken in COE - UGA
But hopefully summer is over now. We are in the Fall season!! I really really LOVE it! It is so romantic! Seeing the wind dragging the leaves, people using sweaters, scarves and boots... Sometimes when we wake up it is raining and then we wish we had that special person we left in Brazil to lay down and hug! It is also when it begins to get colder and colder  and now I remember I have to buy scarves and a pair of leather gloves  because I don't have any! On Fall, sometimes it gets rainy and wind, and it all begins suddenly. Last week hopefully I was covered by the bus stop because a heavy rain suddenly began and people in the middle of the streets got all wet and they went to the bus stop squeezing their clothes with their fingers! Poor guys, I was so sorry for them!
Now I am really excited about the winter. I have never ever seen snow in my whole life and I really would
Times Square on New Year Day
appreciate if there were snow in Athens. A friend of mine told me that this year we probably will have it because it is getting colder in early Fall! Yaaay! On December I am travelling to New York for the New Year Day, so it will be very cold in Times Square and I am sure there will be snow there! I am not used to cold weather at all, but I really like feeling all these American unique experiences, having the American way of Life. Now, another reminder for myself: I have to buy a thicker winter coat otherwise I will be freezing in NY!

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